Know someone who has done something amazing over the last year? Today (Friday) is your last chance to nominate them to be the Grand Marshal in Bettendorf's 4th of July parade.

The city has a few requirements for nominees:

  • made significant contributions to the quality of life in Bettendorf
  • must be current resident, longtime past resident, or bringing some kind of distinction to Bettendorf

And of course, nominees have to be willing and available to serve as Grand Marshal on July 4th. People who have been nominated in the past but weren't selected can be nominated again.

Know anyone who fits who has lowkey (or openly) dreamed of being a Grand Marshal? Your deadline is today (4/29) to nominate them! Here's who you need to reach out to:

Lauran Haldeman at

Send in your nominee's name, contact info, and a short bio.

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Meanwhile, if you're already planning your 4th celebration, Bettendorf's 4th of July parade will start at 10:00 a.m. in downtown Bettendorf.

The route will start at the intersection of 23rd Street & State Street, then will go east on State Street, go around to Grant Street, west to 16th Street before going south, turn east on State Street, and conclude at 21st Street.

There will be a Street Fest following the parade, going from 12:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. in downtown Bettendorf. If you're interested in being a vendor for that, applications are still open. You can reach out to Julie Mohr at 563-344-4535 or send her an email at

The New QC Fuel in Bettendorf is Ready to Help You Recharge

Bettendorf's latest QC Fuel is on Maplecrest Road, right across from Bettendorf High School. I stopped by to grab my morning coffee!

Delizioso! You Can Now Visit QC's Tastiest Sicilian Restaurant

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