When it comes to driving, Illinois State Police are giving you fair warning about these traffic violations.

I don't care who you are, you've done it. You've had the phone in your hand on speaker when your hands-free device isn't near-by or hasn't synced yet. Maybe you just texted a quick 'OK' at a stoplight when the car isn't moving forward. You've probably done more than that and haven't gotten caught...yet. Speeding? 'Nine you're fine, ten you're mine' come to your mind when you see 55 mph?

For instance, the speed limit is what you should be driving at the maximum. Don't go hanging around in the left-hand lane. It's only to be used for passing. Make sure the phone is set down when it is on speaker and not in-hand. Oh, and if the seat belt is under your arm or anyone else's, it's a good way to get pulled over.

You may want to rethink not using a turn signal. I don't want to have to say 'I toldya so.' ;)

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