Thursday was National Ghostbusters Day, which is really confusing because the film is being run for one week starting the 29th, and when originally released in 1984 it hit theaters on June 1st.  Anyway, Ghostbusters is my ALL TIME FAVORITE FILM.  Sure, we've got cook outs, first tailgates, boating, and a slew of other activities this holiday weekend, but you're really not taking advantage of AMERICA if you don't stop in for 105 minutes to see this Hollywood masterpiece.  We wouldn't have the effects, comedy, or story telling in today's blockbusters if it weren't for Ghostbusters.  Also, most of us never had the chance to see it in theaters, so NOW is our time.  Imagine if you had fallen in love with Harry Potter, Twilight, or The Iron Man series, and never had the chance to see it in the theater with all the people in your life who never let you down, other theater enthusiasts.  So, WHO ARE YOU GONNA CALL?

Now, just have to see if your old Ghostbuster jammies still fit.


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