If I were ever to make a list of the Top 10 Things I absolutely love about being a Mom, notes from my kiddos would definitely be on that list. The cuteness ranges from TMI to SO much cuteness, I run the risk of melting before I can finish reading, and quite possibly squeezing a child so hard, she giggles until she is red. This morning, I laughed hysterically when she walked up to me in the kitchen and said, "Mom! Here's what I want for lunch." and handed me this note. The note was funny but trying to decipher this note, was the best part. Are you well-versed in six year old notes? Go uhed, y dohnt u gev et uh tri!

The note that was left for me by my six year old this morning before I made the lunches
The note that was left for me by my six year old this morning before I made the lunches

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