Ugh. Summer is officially over after the weekend, and already mother nature is showing us how much she hates us. Now, just so you are aware, most of this knowledge i have is coming from my iPhone and Also, weather people aren't the most accurate people, but when they are on they are on. This post is simply to give our listeners and fans a heads up so everyone is aware that it may be possible we will be getting rained on for 10 straight days. At least the flowers and grass will grow, but if you look at my lawn, we don't need it to grow any more..... So get those rain boots out and rain coats and be sure to stay dry. Especially if you plan on being out and about the next week. Also, be ready to strip all that stuff down when it's not raining because it is also going to be warm, STILL! At least we have that gong for us!

IPHONE weather screenshot
IPHONE weather screenshot

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