There are times you laugh and then there are times you ugly cry because you are laughing so hard.

Last night, right before bed, it hit me hard. I was drinking my nighttime tea, laying down and enjoying a little quiet before bed when I saw the funniest thing I've seen in awhile. I wasn't just chuckling a little. I started, what I call, the laugh roller coaster.

You start off with a laugh, which turns into a harder laugh, which then turns into not breathing, but making that wheezing sound. Once you open-mouth-inhale to breathe, you laugh harder, only this time your eyes are profusely watering, and a snort may ensue. For me, this also means a simultaneous kicking of my leg or slapping of my knee, because, well, I don't know why exactly. I just can't contain it, so I abuse my knee or leg, by slapping it, all while laughing uncontrollably. I have also been known to be, quite suddenly, not able to stand, so I sit down, wherever I am or I bend over with my face in my hands.

I love laughing and a good laugh is also one of my favorite ways to relieve stress. According to,

The game Speak Out has caused me to laugh before, but never, ever, have I seen this happen! Enjoy all the benefits of laughing til you cry today. Grab a tissue. You're gonna need it.

If that isn't enough for you, here's another:

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