That's right, the Batmoblie exists beyond the edges of Gotham City. Mark Racop and the rest of his team at Fiberglass Freaks have dedicated their lives to making replicas of the original 1966 Batmobile.

They don't cut any corners either. The process is so long and intricate that they can only sell about eight cars a year. So how do they survive on so few sales? Well, these cars definitely aren't cheap. The cheapest model they make runs about $125,000. But if you're a true fan, the money is worth it. Fiberglass Freaks are the only ones licensed by DC Comics to make accurate replicas.

So what are you paying for? Well, besides a fully functioning vehicle, these replicas come completely tricked out including roll-top dash compartments and the flame-thrower on the tail end. Imagine driving to the grocery store in that sucker.

Now if you're hurting for cash, but would still love the opportunity to see one of these replicas up close and personal, here's your chance. One of these official Batmobile replicas will be on display at the 33rd Annual Rod and Custom Auto Show right here in the Quad Cities:

QCCA Expo Center, 2621 4TH Ave. Rock Island, IL

FRIDAY, Jan. 22nd: Hours 1PM – 9PM

SATURDAY, Jan. 23rd: Hours 10AM – 9PM

SUNDAY, Jan. 24th: Hours 10AM – 3PM

ADMISSON:  Adults - $8.00, Kids under 10 – free

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