What a awesome day outside today. Not too cold, not too hot. A great day for a walk to work. Yes, I said walk to work. I know what your thinking. "Ain't nobody got time for that!" Well, I kinda had to today. I forgot my planner book so I ran home quick to grab it. It's a 5 minute drive from the radio station to my apartment. No big deal.....RIGHT? I realized on my way I left my cell phone sitting on my desk. Problem #1. Then I ran into my apartment and put my keys on the counter like I always do. Problem #2. I grabbed my book and ran out the door closing it behind me. Out of habit I locked it behind me leaving my keys on the counter. Whoops. To make it worse, that's also where my car keys were too. Good thing it's Earth Day and a nice day out. I had 20 minutes to walk from my place to the radio station, which I did in time. so if you saw me hoofin it up Kirkwood in Davenport today that may explain the look on my face. There ya go Mother Nature. Doing my part.

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