There's no doubt the 'snowcast' was a bit off this weekend, but why all the hate?Some jobs get more than their fair share of grief. Most people don't work in the public eye nor are publicly criticized when a mistake or shift, occurs.

Meteorologists can have it pretty tough sometimes. I happen to know two in the area who I think are great people, who do amazingly awesome at their job and whom I have relied on for years, just like you, to keep an eye on the sky. Occasionally, an unanticipated shift occurs in the weather, it throws off their forecast and suddenly, that's it. The weather person is the devil.

Well, even though there was a weather snafu this weekend, I thought it was unexpectedly beautiful. No, it wasn't fun to drive in but the warmer ground temps sure helped keep the roads safer than they would have been otherwise.

Let's find the beauty in the unexpected, sometimes. Life isn't always going to be where you know everything that is going to happen next. Flow in the unexpected. The only thing in life that we can count on is change.

That being said, some of the comments are funny, even if they are snarky. Let's find the humor in it and remember, ultimately, kindness goes a long way.

P.S. They weren't the only ones who got it wrong. told me Sunday less than half and inch was possible.

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