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XXL Staff
Ice Spice and Pete Davidson Dating?
Are Ice Spice and Pete Davidson a couple?
Video Appears to Confirm Drake Was Detained by Swedish Police
So, it actually happened?
Swae Lee Reveals He and Post Malone Have a Project Together
The two already have a diamond song together.
Drake and 21 Savage Collab Album Her Loss Delayed After Producer 40 Gets COVID During Mixing
A new date has been announced.
Drake Gets Roasted After Posting New Selfie
Drizzy getting torn apart in the quotes.
Here Are the Best BTS Collaborations Featuring Rappers
Some of the game's biggest names including Megan Thee Stallion, Juice Wrld and Nicki Minaj have collaborated with BTS.
Drake Memes Trend After He Drops New Dance Album Honestly, Nevermind
Things might not be going as planned.
Eight Dead, Nearly 20 Hospitalized After Mass Casualty Event at Travis Scott’s 2021 Astroworld Festival
A mass casualty event at Travis Scott's Astroworld Festival ends in eight deaths.
Drake and Rihanna Are No Longer Friends
Silent tears for Drizzy and RiRi no longer being friends.