Now There’s a Horror Movie About Scary Photo AirDrops
Whether you use iPhone, Android, or pretty much any kind of smartphone in between, there’s some sort of extremely helpful and convenient technology you can use to quickly send and receive photos from friends. On iPhone, it’s called AirDrop, on Android it’s Quick Share, but if you live in the modern world, you know what this is; you want someone nearby to see something, you “drop” it to them over wi-fi (with some Bluetooth tech mixed in there, I think?).
This is a ubiquitous technology now; if you’ve got the wrong phone settings, anyone near you could drop anything onto your phone. And thus the premise of the new Blumhouse horror movie, Drop!
In it, a single mom (Meghann Fahy) out on a first date comes under siege from a series of threatening drops. The gist: Kill your date or her mysterious dropper and their associates will murder her son. Yikes.
The premise is intriguing and the director even more so: It’s Christopher Landon, the filmmaker behind Freaky and the excellent Happy Death Day series. Check out the trailer for Drop below:
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So it’s called Drop and it’s about AirDropping photos to a phone and the trailer ends with a woman almost dropping out of a skyscraper window into the air? Yes. Yes, I think this all works quite cohesively.
Here is the film’s official synopsis:
First dates are nerve-wracking enough. Going on a first date while an unnamed, unseen troll pings you personal memes that escalate from annoying to homicidal? Blood-chilling. Director Christopher Landon returns to the thriller genre with the playful, keep-you-guessing intensity he perfected in the Happy Death Day films with this of-the-moment whodunnit where everyone in the vicinity is a suspect . . . or victim.
Drop is scheduled to open in theaters on April 11. In the meantime, make sure your AirDrop settings are set to private on your iPhone!