There are so many comic book movies these days, it is impossible to keep track of them all. Remember The Crow remake? That actually happened. Did you catch the Indian version of The Archies? It’s on Netflix. How about the one with Dakota Johnson and that guy who was in the Amazon with her mom when she was researching spiders right before she died?

I’m not saying any of these movies are destined to be forgotten. I’m just saying ... okay, I lied. I am saying a lot of these movies are destined to be forgotten. When there are half a dozen or more films of any genre released in a year, most of them are going to wind up getting memory holed. That is just the way of the world (or, in this case, the cinematic universe).

But my brain is weird. I cannot forget these movies. I sat through them. I reviewed a lot of them. And so they just linger on and on. I can’t just snap half of them out of existence, even if I would like to.

That’s why I wrote this list. Not so you might remember these 20 comic-book movies most people forgot. It was written in the hopes that once I got them all down on paper, could forget them and then put these precious brain cells to use remembering more important things, like my weekly grocery list or my children’s birthdays. So let’s get down to business, because I think one of my kids turns 9 later this month.

20 Comic Book Movies You Forgot Existed

There have been so many movies based on comics in recent years, you might not even remember all of them (or most of them).

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20 Comic Book Movies You Forgot Existed

There have been so many movies based on comics in recent years, you might not even remember all of them (or most of them).

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