The Matrix is 25 years old. As a great man once said... whoa.

Celebrating this momentous occasion, the film will be returning to theaters for two nights in September, via Fathom Events.

The program will include an exclusive featurette “looking back on the monumental impact of The Matrix.” Hosted by The Matrix Resurrections’ Jessica Henwick (Bugs), the documentary “delves deep into the influential cyberthriller that thrust moviemaking into an astonishing new dimension with never-before-seen personal reflections on the film.”

Here is the trailer for the film’s 25th anniversary re-release.

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The Matrix was released on March 31, 1999. Directed by the relatively unknown Wachowskis, and starring Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fisburne, and Carrie-Anne Moss, the film became a surprise blockbuster, thanks to its combination of amazing martial-arts sequences and brainy considerations about the nature of reality and consciousness. As the years passed it became one of the most influential films of the end of the 20th century, even if its three movie sequels have been varying degrees of disappointing to flat-out frustrating.

While the films are readily available on various home video formats — and currently streaming on Apple TV+ — it’s not every day you get to see the original Matrix back on the big screen where it belongs, much less with a special featurette for its anniversary.

The Matrix 25th anniversary screenings will take place on September 19 and 22 at theaters around the country. You can get more information at Fathom Events’ website.

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