With fall approaching us, everyone's gearing up for hunting season, hiking season, and leafing season. While you're out exploring the wilderness, there's some things you should keep an eye out for, just to make sure you're not putting yourself in a dangerous or unlawful situation.

While you're enjoying that natural Southeastern beauty, you may come across trees marked with purple paint. It's important that you know what this means, and why you should turn around immediately.

Are These Markings Even Important?

The short answer is yes. These markings are able to take place of a warning sign that you should know so you don't end up in legal trouble. Both North and South Carolina have laws with purple paint, so pay attention if you live on the border, and Virginia does as well.


Tennessee Has Well-Explained Laws

Tennessee's purple paint law allows property owners to use purple paint to indicate that their property is off-limits to trespassers, but they must follow the following rules:

Places identifying purple paint marks on trees or posts on the property. If purple paint is used, then purple paint must be vertical lines of not less than eight inches (8") in length and not less than one inch (1") in width; placed so that the bottom of the mark is not less than three feet (3') or more than five feet (5') from the ground; and placed at locations that are reasonably likely to come to the attention of a person entering the property.

TSM South Jersey
TSM South Jersey

According to Kentucky


Kentucky's laws allow for landowners to mark their property with purple paint

(2) For the purposes of this section, notice against trespass includes the placement of 8 identifying purple paint marks on trees or posts on the property, if the marks are:


(a) Vertical lines of not less than eight (8) inches in length and not less than 10 one (1) inch in width;

(b) Placed so that the bottom of the mark is not less than three (3) feet from the 12 ground nor more than five (5) feet from the ground;

(c) Placed at locations that are readily visible to any person approaching the 14 property and no more than:

1. One hundred (100) feet apart on forest land;

2. One thousand (1,000) feet apart on land other than forest land.

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Virginia Courts Say

Roller With Purple Paint

According to Code of Virginia 18.2-134.1 which outlines the state's laws when it comes to trespassing on private property,

A. The owner or lessee of property described in § 18.2-134 may post property by (i) placing signs prohibiting hunting, fishing or trapping where they may reasonably be seen; or (ii) placing identifying paint marks on trees or posts at each road entrance and adjacent to public roadways and public waterways adjoining the property. Each paint mark shall be a vertical line of at least two inches in width and at least eight inches in length and the center of the mark shall be no less than three feet nor more than six feet from the ground or normal water surface. Such paint marks shall be readily visible to any person approaching the property.

B. The type and color of the paint to be used for posting shall be prescribed by the Department of Wildlife Resources.

Purple paint is able to be used as an alternative to signage to show property lines and private land posting.

TSM South Jersey
TSM South Jersey

There are some rules to how the paint is hung, however.

Each paint mark must be a vertical line of at least eight inches in length, and the bottom of the mark shall be no less than three feet or more than five feet from the base of the tree or post.

Stay safe out there, and stay vigilant so you stay where you're supposed to stay.

LOOK: Baby names that are illegal around the world

Stacker scoured hundreds of baby name databases and news releases to curate a list of baby names that are illegal somewhere in the world, along with explanations for why they’re banned.

Gallery Credit: Annalise Mantz

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