Moline Locals Submit Request to Bring White Castle to the QC
There have been tales that once upon a time, there was a White Castle in the Quad CIties. White Castle is the creator of the "slider", and if you live in the QC, unless you're willing to drive hundreds of miles away, the easiest way to get one is to buy them in your local frozen section. If you've ever eaten at White Castle, you know, frozen sliders just aren't the same as a fresh slider off the grill. After talking to a couple of local business owners in Moline, i feel there may be a chance to bring an all mighty White Castle to the Quad Cities. Augie, who wishes to keep his last name and business unnamed, says he has reached out to White Castle with a Real Estate/Licensing request. He says they have actually responded back and are looking to expand the brand and fill new markets as they approach their 100 year anniversary. WC is very specific about the locations and real estate they allow to house their company. There are currently no White Castles in Iowa, but as you may know, there are many in Illinois. We are still a far fetch from getting a White Castle in the QC, but we are definitely one step closer. Augie encourages us all to contact White Castle, and urge them to give us all what we want. Hit them up and tell them to give the QC a White Castle! They are great at responding, and usually send fans WC merch and coupons.
You can contact White Castle here.