Alert Iowa

New Online “Bullying” Laws Hit Iowa
New Online “Bullying” Laws Hit Iowa
New Online “Bullying” Laws Hit Iowa
New laws are being seen in Iowa to keep kids safe online. Just recently the FBI took to X (formerly Twitter) To warn about this growing issue. While anyone can be a target, the FBI went into deeper detail on people who are targeted more often
Another November Bobcat Sighting Reported In Iowa
Another November Bobcat Sighting Reported In Iowa
Another November Bobcat Sighting Reported In Iowa
Bobcat sighting have been on the rise in the great state of Iowa. The Iowa DNR say it's "trivial increases" today that increases was seen in a small town in Iowa. The bobcat made a quick appearance on a trail cam.
The Most Dangerous Animals In The State Of Iowa
The Most Dangerous Animals In The State Of Iowa
The Most Dangerous Animals In The State Of Iowa
Iowa is pretty calm when it comes to dangerous animals. Still, there is enough accidents, and even deaths in Iowa related to a select number of animals to at least warrant a list to be made.