Illinois, Save Your Time. You Are Raking Your Leaves Wrong.Illinois, Save Your Time. You Are Raking Your Leaves Wrong.They keep on falling all autumn long but there is a better way to handle leaves.Ryan McCreddenRyan McCredden
California Semi-truck Filled With Pumpkins Bursts Into FlamesCalifornia Semi-truck Filled With Pumpkins Bursts Into FlamesA truck filled with hundreds of pumpkins caught fire on a California freeway.Dwyer & MichaelsDwyer & Michaels
Riverfront Refresh Is A Chance For You To Make Davenport BeautifuRiverfront Refresh Is A Chance For You To Make Davenport BeautifuBefore Summer gets here, Davenport's riverfront needs to be cleaned up.Connor KenneyConnor Kenney
Rock Island Downtown Cleanup Event This SaturdayRock Island Downtown Cleanup Event This SaturdayThe cleanup in Rock Island will begin at 8 a.m. Saturday morning.Connor KenneyConnor Kenney
Davenport Riverfront Refresh Event This SaturdayDavenport Riverfront Refresh Event This SaturdayThe cleanup will begin this Saturday at 8 a.m.Connor KenneyConnor Kenney
Bettendorf Is Looking For Help To Cleanup Duck CreekBettendorf Is Looking For Help To Cleanup Duck Creekyou can help the QC!JTJT
FEMA Giving Financial Assistance To Iowa Homeowners & RentersFEMA Giving Financial Assistance To Iowa Homeowners & RentersThese grants are to assistance in derecho recovery.Connor KenneyConnor Kenney