This Is How Many Bugs Are Legally Allowed In Your Food In IllinoisThis Is How Many Bugs Are Legally Allowed In Your Food In IllinoisYou can actually have bugs and bug parts in your food.Sarah StringerSarah Stringer
North Carolina Stop Using This Recalled Toxic Medicine NowNorth Carolina Stop Using This Recalled Toxic Medicine NowNorth Carolina residents are being alerted to a massive recall of a commonly used medicine that may be in your cabinet right now.Dwyer & MichaelsDwyer & Michaels
‘Life-Threatening’ Contaminant Cited In Minnesota + Wisconsin Cough Syrup Recall‘Life-Threatening’ Contaminant Cited In Minnesota + Wisconsin Cough Syrup RecallYou'll want to verify that the recalled cough syrups are not in your home.David DrewDavid Drew
FDA Warning: Remove This From Your Illinois Home NowFDA Warning: Remove This From Your Illinois Home NowThe Food & Drug Administration has now banned something that's probably in your house already.Sarah StringerSarah Stringer
Illinois Seafood Lovers, Don’t Eat This Popular Food ItemIllinois Seafood Lovers, Don’t Eat This Popular Food ItemAvoid mussels for a little while.Connor KenneyConnor Kenney
Breast Implants Recalled and Possibly Linked to CancerBreast Implants Recalled and Possibly Linked to CancerIf you have questions about these breast implants, you should contact your doctor. TamiTami
There’s a Warning for Anyone Getting a New TattooThere’s a Warning for Anyone Getting a New TattooIf you have plans to get some ink, or recently got a tattoo, check with your artist to make sure the dye is safe.TamiTami