Kim Reynolds

Iowa Gets Huge Victory In Gas Lawsuit Over President Biden
The new rule takes effect in 2025.

Gov. Reynolds Reveals New Major Sports Event Coming To Iowa
NASCAR returns to Iowa in 2024.

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds’ Husband Diagnosed With Lung Cancer
Thoughts and prayers to the Reynolds family.

Iowa Law To Blame For Student’s Random School Start Date
It's time to fix this law.

Iowa Governor Sued For Ending Jobless Benefits During Pandemic
The lawsuit claims Governor Reynolds violated state law by ending the program early.

Iowa Teens Photos Go Viral For Protest Of Governor Reynolds
One of the students was from Davenport.

Iowa Governor Signs Bathroom Bill & Bill To Ban Gender-Affirming Care For Minors Into Law
Governor Reynolds signed many bills on Wednesday.

Davenport Schools To Hold Special Meeting About Mask Requirements
Tonight's Special Call Meeting will begin at 5 p.m.

Gov. Kim Reynolds Signs Bill Banning Mask Mandates In School
The law also bans cities and counties to mandate masks be worn in businesses.