What Are The Worst Gifts You Have Gotten From A Co-Worker?
Here it is. The final countdown! The final week! Christmas is a week away. Have you finished your shopping yet? Maybe you're getting ready to go on vacation for the holiday. Might I suggest NOT going through Atlanta.
There will be a lot of office Christmas parties this week. This is the week that employers show their appreciation to their employees with some sorta gift, be it a meal, a cash bonus..etc.
What was the worst Christmas gift your boss or co-workers have given you?
A new survey found 22% of us will give at least one co-worker a gift this year. So how much will we spend? 34% said less than $10 per gift. 59% said between $11 and $50. Only 6% of people said they'll spend more than $50 on a gift.
Obviously it's just the thought that counts. But sometimes we don't even put that much thought into it. Here are the 10 worst gifts people said they've gotten from a co-worker.
1. Earrings shaped like chickens.
2. Coupons from a grocery store.
3. Roasted grasshoppers.
4. A roll of Saran Wrap.
5. A jar of glitter.
6. A coaster with their face on it. Not sure if that means their face, or their co-worker's.
7. A recipe for dip.
8. An ornament shaped like an engagement ring. That's a potential HR nightmare.
9. A wooden cat statue.
10. Used candles. Also, women are almost twice as likely to give a co-worker a gift than men. But you're more likely to get one from your BOSS if they're a GUY. 63% of male bosses and 45% of female bosses plan to give gifts this year.
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