I'ts Tax Day in America. Did you get yours done? You have until 11:59 pm to get them postmarked. Tax Day should become a National holiday.Shut down everything except the post offices and the tax offices. Just the sound of "Tax Day" makes me think of Halloween. Restaurants are offering Tax Day discounts. Here are 5 reasons you haven't finished your taxes:

1. It takes a long time to download TurboTax to a Commodore 64.

2. H&R Block refuses to let you in because of its stupid "No Pants, No Service" rule.

3. You're not good with numbers.  Or words.  Okay, you're illiterate.

4. You're pretty sure "filing your taxes on or before April 15th" is more of a friendly suggestion than a rigid mandate.

5.Prison will give your aspiring rap career much-needed street cred.

I also heard that the average American leaves $500 on the table that they are owed. Happy filing friends. Halmark cards are coming soon.

(credit:The Complete Sheet)

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