Boy does this bring back the memories...

What kid didn't like spending their birthday at Chuck E. Cheese with pizza, games and weird singing rodents?! I know I did.

I was one of those kids that had several of their birthday parties there, and why not? It's the perfect place when you think about it. They have an attendant at the door - no kids can get out. Their pizza is actually pretty decent and the games keep the kiddos entertained for hours. The only downfall I can see, being a little bit of a compulsive hand washer are the germs. But most kids are grubby anyways so just toss them in the tub after the party and it's taken care of.

I do, however, remember this one birthday party that was a particular disaster and of course, it was mine.

Chuck E. Cheese was supposed to make his big appearance and make his rounds in the dining room to take pictures with everyone celebrating, but he was late. We couldn't figure out where Chuck E. was, what happened to him, etc... My mom then goes up to the counter to see what the deal was and asks the game attendant when the big cheese will be ready. The game attendant says, "One moment Ma'am."

Moments later, the attendant brings the manager out to speak with my mom.

"The kids are almost done with their pizza, where is Chuck E. Cheese?" said my mom.

The manager responds, "He isn't here anymore. Chuck E. slipped on something in the kitchen, went down like a ton of bricks and suffered a head injury. We had to take him to the emergency room."

Yup. Not only does my bad luck affect me, but those around me as well. Poor Chuck E..

But, apparently that's not the worst thing to ever happen there. Over the weekend a Connecticut Chuck E. Cheese was involved in a birthday party-turned-brawl.

What are you Chuck E. Cheese disaster stories?

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