Bralettes: Love ‘Em or Hate ‘Em?
I'm about to get real honest about this new bra craze and let you in on a little secret.
Bralettes. You see them everywhere. They look so cute when paired up with the right shirts and under the right dresses. I loved the look...until I tried it.
Warning: This may take the perceived charm you thought I had, completely away. I realize in my honesty, any perception of me you might have had, may be gone by the end of this blog.
Victoria's Secret had their bralette sale a few weeks ago, so I thought I'd try one. I should have known better. I now have a love/hate relationship with the bralette.
I've had children. I have breastfed them. And like you, I can not escape gravity. What I thought would be a comfortable and trendy solution to my outfit, turned into something completely different. It smashed my boobs and sent them slightly into my armpits, even while standing up. I couldn't believe it. In no way, did what I hoped they'd look like turn out to be what they actually looked like. I was sorely disappointed, to say the least. Are bralettes even meant for bustier women?
I decided to come up with a life hack, or a boob-hack, if you will. I decided it was unacceptable to NOT wear it Here's what I did.
I wore another bra underneath the bralette and got the results I thought I'd get in the first place.