Brett Campbell Won $10,000
Drum roll please..... Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner! Brett Campbell is the big winner of our $10,000 cash code contest!
We have another $10,000 winner on our hands! Congrats to Brett Campbell on scoring big and winning the grand prize of $10,000!!! Brett is added to the list of winner from B100!
Hear his reaction below when he found out he won $10K!
Remember our last $10,000 winner? Shania Maylone of Davenport won back in the Spring time. Let's relive how she found out she won $10,000 from B100!
Download the B100 app and you could win big with B100! Whether it's cash, gift cards, tickets, and more, enter your number below to download the FREE B100 app!
Check out our Quad City cash winners during the year of 2020 below. These B100 listeners for sure are having a better 2020 than most of us!