C Is For Cookie
Now that the Presidential Election and Super Bowl are over, it's time to prepare ourselves for the next BIG event in our world...GIRL SCOUT COOKIE TIME!
There are 10 different types of Girl Scout Cookies, but only a few that people ACTUALLY pay attention to.
Thin Mints are the most popular cookie in 24 states, and Samoas are the most popular in 18 states. (You may know Samoas as Caramel deLites, by the way, since the cookies have different names in different parts of the country.)
Tagalongs, also known as Peanut Butter Patties, were the most popular in seven states . . . and Do-si-dos, also known as Peanut Butter Sandwiches, were the most popular in two states.
Because we're weird, we also calculated how many electoral votes each cookie got, because literally everything has to be connected back to politics these days.
And even though Thin Mints won 24 states, they lost the Electoral College . . . by one vote. Thin Mints got 242 electoral votes . . . Samoas got 243.
Tagalongs got 47, and Do-si-dos got six. Man. We won't even let third parties have a chance in Girl Scout Cookie elections.
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