Calling Quad Cities Moms To Be in ‘Bad Moms 2′
Iowa and Illinois moms can now live out their 'Bad Moms' dreams. 'Bad Moms 2' is looking for extras for filming in Atlanta.There isn't a mom I know who didn't see some of herself in the movie' Bad Moms' starring Mila Kunis. The movie was brutally honest in scenes and was a great comedic way to get us mamas to consider our needs, not forget we are fun (or can be). 'Bad Moms' let us embrace how much we can support one another during this joyful and often challenging rite of passage we know as motherhood.
Wouldn't it be fun to just jump right into this movie?
Well, now you could fulfill your 'Bad Moms' movie star dream. I saw a casting call for 'Bad Moms 2' on the internet and immediately thought how cool it would be to be a part of the new movie. Who knows? You could be. I'm not sure how I'd get down to Atlanta for the filming, but wouldn't it be fun to be in a movie?
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