Has this ever happened to you?  I decided to try a new, organic line of instant oatmeal. I opened the packet, put it in the bowl and when I added the hot water, a little bug carcass floated to the top. *good feeling...gone*

Of course, I did the Jimmy Fallon "Ew!" and dumped the oatmeal into the garbage disposal. Taking a pic was an after-thought (sorry guys).

This really shouldn't surprise me. I have to consider the amount of processing convenience foods go through and how far it had to travel just to make it to my house! It's been estimated that the average plate of food has traveled between 1500-2500 miles.

Apparently, after a little research, this not-so-uncommon bug-in-the-food business happens all the time. Check these stories out!
I guess I could have considered the extra protein option, but I think I'll stick to lentils sans bugs.  ;)

Alexandr Dubovitskiy/iStock photo
Alexandr Dubovitskiy/iStock photo


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