The day following a holiday and a snow storm is hardly a day anyone wakes up saying, "Wow, I can't wait to work!"

Does anyone wake up this way? Seriously.

It's hard enough finding some motivation to roll out of bed on a Monday morning, nonetheless make it to work on time! I specifically remember a time where it was my second week on the B100 Morning Show and my alarm, set on vibrate, buzzed right off of my nightstand and onto my carpeted room, muffling my alarm for three and a half hours.

When I knew something went terribly wrong? I woke up and it was light outside and I had a billion missed calls from my parents, brothers, friends, aunts, uncles, an Amber Alert (joking), but it was essentially a traumatic experience for everyone involved.

So I can empathize. Sometimes the air in your room is just too cold, your car doesn't start, your dog ate your presentation, or whatever the circumstance may be, that causes you to be late for work.

  • 1

    I'm late because...

    ...the Arsenal drawbridge was open.
  • 2

    I'm late because...

    ...I-74 is down to one lane.
  • 3

    I'm late because...

    ...I hit all of the red lights on Brady/Harrison/53rd/Avenue of the Cities, etc...
  • 4

    I'm late because...

    ...there was a John Deere on the road.
  • 5

    I'm late because...

    ...the Mississippi flooded
  • 6

    I'm late because...

    ...the speed cameras caught me and I felt obligated to go the speed limit the rest of my commute.
  • 7

    I'm late because...

    ...the truck driver drove another semi under the Brady St./Harrison bridge.
  • 8

    I'm late because...

    ...a train 50 miles long was traveling through.

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