As I finally got ready to head out the door after a long day of sitting in a studio saying words and creating thoughts of local and national content, sprinkled with trivial facts, laughter and occasional light hearted ribbing. I headed towards the parking lot of our ultra plush high tech studios; when I noticed a tray full of foods from the heavens above; we'll call them sandwiches. Free sandwiches. My company sprung for free sandwiches, and; after most of them had been eaten and ravaged apart, decided to offer uo the remaining tray of carnage. Neither an email nor announcement ove rthe p.a. was needed to alert me of the post lunch treat. Just my common sense & appetite, and I was ready to eat my 3pm lunch. After waking up at 5, wandering into the studio and attempting day after day to limit it to a normal 7-8 hour work day; I have discovered that my body craves food, but loves the extra time spent pounding out ideas much more! crave on, body, mind and spirit, crave on! Bottom line, there is nothing better than a free sandwich! And to quote Chevy chase in National Lampoons Vacation; most days I'm so hungry I could eat a sandwich from a gas station'.

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