This Once Popular Illinois Structure Among Most Forgotten in USA
One popular among University of Illinois students back in the 70s now sits abandoned and is one of the most forgotten places in the nation.

The Prairie Observatory used by the Department of Astronomy at U of I was built back in 1969. It cost over $240,000 to build the telescope and still in use today. The telescope was moved in 1981, but the rebuilding remains overcrowded with weeds and trees and vandals have taken over the once popular building. You can see the building from hiking on a trail and explorers now use it to find what's left inside.
There are over 100 forgotten structures (much like the observatory) in the nation that now are just rusting away day by day.
- Atalaya Castle -South Carolina
- City Methodist Church - Gary, Indiana
- Coco Palms Resort - Kauai, Hawaii
- Old Town Mall - Baltimore, Maryland
- Yuma Territorial Prison - Arizona
It's so sad to see these once beautiful buildings sit abandoned and just rusting away. Also, why wouldn't you demolish these places and use the land for something else? Now I know some of them might be on the National Registry and I get that,k but not all of them.