I love martial arts. I love observing them, I love the mindset behind it and some of my dearest friends are martial artists, kickboxers and instructors! I think it's one of the best ways to develop self-confidence, prevent bullying and study a way that gives you reasons to think before you act.

This video gives you the perfect reason why martial arts should be in your life and in the lives of our community:

Bruce Lee and his son Brandon (RIP to them) both broke my heart in their passing, but left a legacy we all still learn from today. Even my children are learning the skills necessary to be self-taught, self-disciplined and mindful.  I can't wait to get them back in to the groove at the karate center, so they can continue their study! We dearly miss everyone at Jai Johnson's School of Karate where I also do kickboxing and Turbokick/Insanity (I miss my ladies there!).

The next time you think about how you can empower yourself, your children or a friend, suggest karate. You never know when you might need it...or when a pimp needs an attitude adjustment. ;)

Girls during promotions from yellow to blue belt with instructor Jai Johnson.
Girls during promotions from yellow to blue belt with instructor Jai Johnson.




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