With Noah's nuptials being one week away and marriage so distant in my own future, I decided to jump into the relationship game in a very, er, unconventional way.

Meet my boyfriend, Josh. He is a 26-year-old teacher from Chicago, IL and here's how we met:


"We were introduced at a party, and it was obvious we were both into each other right away. I got his number and started texting him, and we've been on a few dates. He's a teacher in another city so his schedule is really hectic and hard to work around, but he's funny and nice, and I really want to get to know him better."

This was the automated story I received from InvisibleBoyfriend.com, a website designed to give you "real-world and social proof that you’re in a relationship - even if you’re not - so you can get back to living life on your own terms," according to their homepage.

On InvisibleBoyfriend.com you get to choose whether you're looking for a girlfriend or a boyfriend and you essentially get to customize everything about them. You choose a first, middle and last name (mine was Josh Henry Warren), his age (26), where he's from (Chicago, IL - they only listed major metro areas), his personality (adventurous and fun), and finally, his interests (sports, working out, fitness, gardening, writing, drinking).


Then the site gives you an automated story on how the two of you lovebirds met, such as the one listed above. The final step is plugging in your cell phone number and BOOM, Josh (or whoever you're swooning after) is now contacting you from the area code you specified.

After exchanging only four texts, it looks like even Josh has me pinpointed to a tee.


 *I used the beta version of the app and did not actually pay $24.99/month for the service


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