Kevin, once again, thinks I'm loco en la cabeza.

But this time, I'm legit. I was in the waiting room to see the ear, nose and throat doctor and came across an article on BuzzFeed that's titled 16 Things Only People With Raynaud's Will Understand.

And the picture looked eerily similar to how my fingers get in the winter.

Of course, I then Wikipedia'd "Raynaud's Disease," and did a little research to find out more about it. Turns out, it can be linked to people that have hypothyroidism - which I have!

Suddenly, it all makes sense. But now Kevin is calling me a hypochondriac because he doesn't think I actually have Raynaud's. Rude. Here's a picture to PROVE my finger discoloration.

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Here's a picture Olivia took of her own fingers on March 24th, 2015.

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