I've never been one of those co-workers to utilize the company's community refrigerator until I started working mornings.

When I started waking up between 4:30am - 5am, I realized that I would much rather cram in an extra few minutes of sleep than eat breakfast at home. So, it just became easier to leave my breakfast at work so it was there and ready for me the next morning. Zero prep necessary.

I also like to switch it up a little bit, so when my usual cantaloupe was getting a little stale in the a.m., I turned to my trusty cereal favorite: Raisin Bran. After I ran out of milk for my trusted cereal, I went back to the usual fruits for a couple of weeks.

At the grocery store last week, I remembered that I still had Raisin Bran in the studio, so I grabbed a carton of milk to assist with my breakfast needs.

Little did I know, some co-worker had gotten their grimy little fingers into my beautiful purple cardboard cereal box and only left less than a half of a bowl for my enjoyment.

This co-worker, Slater, is now on my shit list. The plan? Revenge. But, what...?

That's where you come in. I need some ideas!


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