Nathan Sykes--formerly of The Wanted--is one of pop music's biggest rising stars. His debut single "Kiss Me Quick" was very well-received, and his follow-up, "Over And Over Again," is quickly becoming a smash.
Nathan took some time away from his UK tour to talk to me on Tuesday.
It seems that Olivia & I had the same idea at the St. Patrick's Day parade last weekend---watch drunk people, interview drunk people, record drunk people. Many patrons already had quite a few by the time the parade started, which probably made them less nervous about talking to me.
...According to someone that's been drinking.
On Saturday after I was done handing out B100 t-shirts and koozies, it was off to the bars - but that's not where my job stopped.
Oh no no no... I thought it'd be funny to interview some people who had clearly been drinking about why we now celebrate St...