Tired of All the Negativity? Look to One Thing Only Iowans Do
This one thing, found in Iowa, is a guaranteed turn around from all the negative in our world.
I'll be the first to admit, the winter blues can push me in a negative direction. Add the negative news that we see daily, and the recipe for Grouchy McGroucherton (of course it's a real word) is in full effect.
As I make my way over the hills and across the great ol' Miss to become an Iowan myself, I've saved this video and watched it several times. Instead of keeping it all to myself, I thought I'd share that Iowa made the list of a popular list from 2017. It's one of the reasons that puts a a giant Iowa grin on our wintery-worn faces. It also leaves us itching for Hawkeye season. Go Hawks! (spoken like a true Iowan)