I'm a guy who likes routines in the mornings. Mostly because I haven't fully woken up and I don't like to put a lot of thought into my actions... at least until I've had my coffee. Our workplace provides coffee for us. It just might be the worst coffee in the world, but it's free and available as soon as I walk in the door, so I tolerate it. I've experimented with various amounts of creams & sugars to determine what will make the swill drinkable and I had finally determined that a little bit of vanilla soy milk got the job done, while adding some nutrients to it as well.

Guess what!

Did you guess?


In the picture above, you can see the freshly cleaned-out refrigerator. Now, folks, this refrigerator has looked like it does above for the past 3 years. Ice has increasingly spread from the freezer into the fridge area. The thing's from the 70s and obviously doesn't work correctly. Since we're under new ownership, they've been doing some great things for the building, and hopefully fridge-replacement is somewhere on their list. I'm a patient person, so they don't have to replace it ASAP, but someone apparently was inspired by all the changes and took it to finally clean out the fridge. See the note on the right of the photo? Yeah, NOTHING ever got thrown out on Fridays. It would take months, seriously, months of mold to accumulate on a dish for someone to think, hmm maybe that's not edible anymore. I'm all for have a proactive stance on expired foods and that someone is finally taking charge, but if you are, at least follow the printed out instructions or give some sort of warning like, "Hey everyone, we're actually going to do something as it's been stated around here, instead of surprising you!"

So my non-expired soy milk got tossed out. And I didn't get to put it in my coffee. And my routine was thrown off.

And guess how upset I am?


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