photo courtesy of Alexandra Jamieson


It's true! Another friend of mine is on the TODAY show this morning and that makes the 3rd one in about one month! (If you remember, last month, Brooke Birmingham was on and was also featured in Shape magazine.) I couldn't be more excited for my friend Alexandra and the success of her new book, Women, Food & Desire. It's a wonderful book so far and I got to dig in and get some more reading done when the snowstorm hit us Sunday.

I get to meet the most amazing people on this radio journey and in my personal life, it is no exception. I first met her in 2013 but heard of her long before that when I watched the documentary Super Size Me. Alex was the girlfriend to Morgan Spurlock and co-creator of this film.

I was privileged to meet with Alex when we were both speakers at health conference in Long Beach, CA. and Chicago, IL. I was so happy we hit it off immediately and stayed in touch after. She has been a guest several times on a natural health talk radio show I host and has been a voice of self-love, self-respect and healing in my life.


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