Currently, Brooke Birmingham is one of five women featured in this month’s issue of Shape magazine. Last Spring, I got the privilege of meeting and interviewing her. Not only am I honored to be able to call her friend, but I am honored to be able to see all the lives she is changing just by being who she is… right HERE in the Quad Cities!

It all started when Brooke submitted a photo of herself in a bikini to Shape. Brooke is unashamed of her significant weight loss, as she should be, and submitted a photo of herself, loose skin and all. That started a storm of events, including Brooke saying “no” to covering up and hiding the body she lives in now…a body that bears the results of all of her hard work. Once Brooke wrote about it, that story went viral and led to her being on the TODAY show on NBC. Shape magazine told her they would allow her pic in the magazine and they’d go one step further; they would publish a feature on significant weight loss stories and help paint a realistic picture of what losing 100+ pounds actually looks like.

Shape magazine kept their word. Brooke and Shape magazine teamed up again yesterday on the TODAY show to talk about the story that helped re-Shape weight loss conversation. Brooke made history for us all yesterday. With all the negative body image issues we have to deal with on a daily basis and with my own 85 pound weight loss (and counting!),  I have been truly inspired and encouraged by Brooke’s courage and confidence. I have learned to appreciate my body and the journey I have been on, even more!

Brooke has lost 172 lbs and blogs about it at Brooke: Not on a Diet.

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