Ariana & the Rose has delivered a brilliant video mashup of three key pop divas, which we are stoked to exclusively premiere. She has cross-pollinated Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift and Lana Del Rey! It's ambitious, yes, but she rocked it.

Ariana mixed Miley's 'Wrecking Ball' with T. Swizzle's 'I Knew You Were Trouble' and LDR's 'Summertime Sadness.' The majority of the song is 'Wrecking Ball,' but she found a unique way to tuck the other tracks into the arrangement

Not only is Ariana & the Rose's take on the songs totally and utterly amazeballs, but this clip also acts a video diary of sorts, serving a dual purpose. We get glimpse into life on the road for this up-and-coming singer.

Ariana's voice is rich and warm and she seamlessly sews these songs together, making them sound like one track, while remaining true to and respecting the originals.

Bravo, bravo!

PopCrushers, what did you think of this mashup?

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