Put yourself there. Go ahead. Guys, imagine proposing to your girlfriend with one. Ladies, would you be devastated if you knew your boyfriend was proposing to you with a used (previously pawned or purchased on eBay or Craigslist) engagement ring?!


I've been observing this issue from all angles and there is no clear-cut answer for me.  On the one hand, we all know engagements rings are expensive and can take YEARS to pay off. Starting a marriage off going in to debt is not necessarily the best start, considering it's likely going to happen anyway, right?

On the other hand, what is it saying about VALUE? Or is it saying anything at all about your value and worth? Ladies, do you measure your value and worth in your man's eyes according to ring size or what kind of ring he gets you?

I am someone who can see things from BOTH sides, so something like this, isn't always easy for me to make a definitive decision on until I have enough reason one way or the other.

I want to know what YOU think!!

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