Business Insider came out with its annual list of the "Most Hungover Places in America" and this year Davenport, that previously wasn't on the list, landed the No. 22 spot!

According to the article, here's Davenport's statistics:

  • 7.4% admitted to heavy drinking
  • 24.6% admitted to binge drinking
  • 37.4 bars per 100,000 people
  • 4.7 beer/wine/liquor stores per 100,000 people
  • 1 alcoholic beverage producing establishments per 100,000 residents

Coincidence that Davenport makes the list after Fireball Friday comes to town? We think not!

As a active members of the hangover club, we want to know how do YOU beat a hangover? Olivia's go-to remedy is to keep drinking (bloody mary's) with the occasional Gatorade, depending on how depleted she is of nutrients.

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