Davenport Woman Wins $10,000 From Iowa Lottery

A very lucky Davenport woman is $10,000 richer after winning big with the Iowa Lottery.
The Iowa Lottery announced that Kathryn Smith of Davenport scratched off a lottery ticket that her husband bought for her and won a $10,000 lottery prize.
Smith won big in the Iowa Lottery's "Money Ball" scratch game. Her husband, Scott, bought the winning ticket at Casey's, located at 1691 W. 53rd St. in Davenport.
Smith works as a clerk at a different Quad Cities store. She said at first she didn't believe her eyes when she scratched off the game's second top prize. Smith showed the ticket to her son, and he confirmed that her ticket was in-fact a big winner. Smith then she called her husband with the news. Kathryn said,
"I called him and said, 'You might want to pull over for this because I've got some news for you, we just won $10,000!'"
Smith said she and her husband have several plans for their winnings. Smith said,
"He's going to build up his plow truck and get some stuff going on it. We're using it on the grandkids, and a couple little things that we wouldn't normally get."
Congrats to Kathryn Smith on winning $10,000 from the Iowa Lottery!
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