Corner of 2nd and Main, Davenport
Corner of 2nd and Main, Davenport

What a refreshing site in the Quad Cities.

I took a break from social media for a little bit yesterday evening. It was a heavy-hearted news day already, with the aftermath of a shooting in Minnesota that went viral on Facebook, to celebrities speaking out about another shooting involving a homeless man and the #altonsterling seen all over social media.

When I came home that night and checked my usual news sites before bed, I slumped over in my chair in disbelief that more shootings, this time in Dallas, had occurred involving officers being shot.

I posted a quote from a source I always draw comfort from on our Instagram page.

I love what his sign says. "FREE HUGS (if you're a human being)"

I think we all could use one of those today. If you happen to see him downtown, don't be afraid. Grab a hug for yourself, for your friends and family and for those who have been lost and for our divided nation.

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