Is Your Drivers License Expired? Good News! You Have Until Dec 1st
I'm really bad at knowing when my driver's license is expiring. The first time I found out I was driving with an expired license was when I got pulled over in New Mexico for going 82 in a 65. They let me off with a warning, which was crazy because my license was expired by a year and a half.
So, when I went to the DMV to renew, I took the expiration date that was furthest away. I know they offered a 1-year and a 5-year license, but why do I think I got 10 years?
Either way, it was long enough away for me to ever think about it again. Until I just got a letter in the mail telling me it was about to expire.
Scratch that.
I GOT the letter several months ago. I JUST opened it this weekend when the pile of mail got too unwieldy to control.
So, I put it on my to-do list, to go renew my expired license. Turns out, I have a few more months to procrastinate on this.
They Extended Your License
According to ilsos.gov: "Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White announced that expiration dates for driver’s licenses, ID cards, and learner’s permits are being extended until December 1, 2022. The previous extension was set to end on July 31, 2022. As a result, expired driver’s licenses, ID cards, and learner’s permits will remain valid until December 1, 2022, so customers do not need to rush into Driver Services facilities.
This extension does not apply to commercial driver’s licenses (CDL) and CDL learner’s permits."
See, kids? It really does pay to put off doing anything and everything until 100% necessary.
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