I graduated college in 2010 and I've been "gradually" paying back the student loan debt ever since. I won't get into specifics but it's more than $50,000...seriously, Sallie Mae is not a nice lady. I thought I would do anything to become debt-free. But I was wrong. VERY wrong.


A new poll conducted by UPI surveyed more than 500 people--all graduates of four-year colleges--with an average of $31,000 of student loan debt. Many of those borrowers would go to some really extreme lengths to eradicate their debt.

  • 57.89% would give up social media for life
  • 57.11% would take a punch from former pro boxer Mike Tyson
  • 56.14% would abstain from alcohol and/or drugs for life
  • 40.35% would take one year off their life expectancy
  • 6.47% would cut off pinky finger

And...possibly the most disturbing one of all:

  • 4.09% would contract a random STD for life

That's right. 20 people surveyed would rather have the burden of an incurable, permanent sexually transmitted disease than pay one more dime of student loan debt. No more booze? I could probably do it. One less year of life? Seems like a fair trade considering the lack of stress. An STD for life? HARD PASS. #Nope

Get more findings HERE.

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