For the past two weeks I have been living off of nothing but jello and apple sauce. And no, it's not a new diet trend that's sweeping the nation.

I began to start my New Year by having my tonsils removed and my deviated septum fixed. New Year, new you, right?!

It was something I had wanted and needed to get done for awhile. I was simply over being sick all the time and having doctors always comment on my large tonsils.

So, January 7th I got all gowned up and took the plunge!


It was my first time ever going under the knife - so to speak. I was incredibly scared. But everything came out ok and my throat and nose, even though they're not 100% healed, are doing much better.

You may noticed that I sound different. I'm hoping its not going to stick. Even though my throat doesn't hurt when I eat chips, pretzels, etc... It's still not fully healed. The best way to describe how I'm currently feeling is just swollen. And when I talk, it feels like I'm playing that silly "Chubby Bunny" game with a bunch of marshmallows in the back of my throat.

I am so excited to be back on the Morning Show tomorrow with Kevin because two weeks  of being alone in my apartment has driven me a little stir crazy (although I'm thankful I missed that awful cold front that swooped through, thanks Mother Nature!).

Waking up at 5am will be a little different than my 11am wake-up-call. But I will be sure to set a couple of alarms so I can be up bright and early. Can't wait to talk with you :)

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