Recent Evidence Proves Illinois Sports Fans Are Couch Potatoes
There's always a nice variety of sports teams to follow in Illinois but where do the fans enjoy watching all the games?
Sports Are Very Popular In Illinois
The residents of Illinois really enjoy following their favorite sports teams. Win, lose, or draw the fans in the Land of Lincoln are there for support. It doesn't matter if it's football, baseball, basketball, hockey, or something else. Depending on their taste, they could be watching youth, high school, college, and especially professionals. Of course, there are plenty of different ones to cheer for. Check out all the options in our state, HERE.
RELATED: Illinois' Favorite Football Teams
Where Do Illinois Sports Fans Enjoy Watching Their Favorite Teams?
I started to get curious about fans in Illinois. Since they are such big supporters, where do they enjoy watching the games? I've always felt that sports is a community. It's something you do with other people who have similar tastes. I believe the best way to enjoy it is with other enthusiasts. Maybe live at the actual game, at a party, or even in a bar. The funny thing is, it's a big no for all three.
Recently, I conducted a social media survey to find out where Illinois sports fans actually enjoy watching their favorite teams. I think the answer might surprise you. They are couch potatoes.
According to merriam-webster.com,
One who spends a great deal of time watching television.
The sports fans in Illinois much rather not leave home and cheer on their favorite team from the couch. There's not much effort required. Plus, everything they need is just a few feet away. It gives them plenty of time to practice being an armchair quarter. I'm guessing they prefer watching to participating.