Warning To All Illinois Food Delivery Drivers Beware Of Scams
Being a food delivery driver used to be an easy and safe way to make some money in Illinois but each year it gets a little more dangerous.
The Convenience Of Food Delivery In Illinois
I remember the first time I experienced food delivery. I was just a little kid and my parents went out for the night. They gave the babysitter some money to order a pizza. She made a quick call and it showed up in a few minutes. I was an instant fan. Nowadays, you get pretty much everything sent directly to your doorstep.
RELATED: Illinois Thief Steals Just One Pizza From Delivery Driver
Thieves In Illinois Are Targeting Delivery Drivers
In the last couple of years, thieves in Illinois have been targeting delivery drivers, in particular restaurant employees. I'm guessing they are pretty easy targets. There isn't a company vehicle, multiple workers, or lots of expensive merchandise to worry about. It's a quick grab. Free food is always good along with some cash. Plus, all the suspect has to do is call in an order and they know exactly when and where the victim will be.
Warning To Food Delivery Drivers In Illinois
Here is an important warning for food delivery drivers in Illinois. Robberies have been happening a lot more frequently in our state so beware when out on a job. Plus, the thieves are getting braver which makes it a much more dangerous situation.
Just this week, two more delivery drivers got robbed. The thieves called in an order. When the victim arrived, the masked suspects were waiting with guns.
A string of armed robbers targeting food delivery drivers has prompted a police alert.
Chicago police said two food delivery drivers were targeted, just days apart in Chatham.
In Champaign, two separate pizza guys were held up. Those thieves also took the drivers' cell phones, wallets, and cars.
The Champaign Police Department says they responded to two separate incidents of Dominoes drivers being carjacked and robbed on March 8 and 10.
Both investigations are ongoing.
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