The lack of respect at CherryVale Mall. I know the place is going down hill but seriously people?? This is why we cant have nice things. - Jake Alita 

I came across this video on Facebook, and I was sick to my stomach, shocked, and pretty offended by some people's lack of respect. Yes Jake you are right, THIS is why we can't have nice things.


This video was taken at the Cherryvale Mall, in the FAMILY BATHROOM near the food court. So many questions about what happened here and why and how in the...this wasn't cleaned up.

If you have young ones, the family restroom anywhere is a pretty big deal. Sure does make things way easier, unless you have to explain something like this to them.

Facial Expression of Male Looking Disgusted
Getty Images/iStockphoto

The family bathroom is destroyed at Cherryvale Mall...I am really "hoping" that those hand prints were made with food that are high on the wall. The spills, the garbage scattered, the complete lack of respect for a place that is available to the public.

I hope this didn't last too long, and it was cleaned up soon after the video was taken.


Here's the video of the Family Restroom in the Cherryvale Mall:

The person that did this, I hope there are cameras nearby that caught you going in or coming out. This is absolutely gross and shows how well you were raised, shame on you.






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